Crossing the Deck

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This time I’ll look at some theory behind snowboarding. I’ll try to keep it as simple as possible. In Mac Endo – Anatomy of a Turn 1 and following articles I described what happens during the snowboard turn. It is just one possible … Continued

The Backside Chill

posted in: Snowboard Articles | 0

After The Unstable Toe-Side we are usually faced with surviving the heel-side turn. Since snowboarding is full of opposites (which somehow make it attractive), the heel-side tends to be stable. In control systems theory terms, the heel-side turn is a closed system. … Continued

Anatomy of Snowboard Carving Turn 2

posted in: Snowboard Articles | 0

Let’s look at what happens after you assume a correct position during your toe-side turn. Les’s continue what we started in Anatomy of Snowboard Carving Turn 1. The rider is quite happy carving around. He can remain in this position indefinitely… well, … Continued

The Unstable Toe Side Turn

posted in: Snowboard Articles | 0

In the previous post Anatomy of Snowboard Carving Turn 1 I claimed that the goal the rider needs to achieve during the turn is to assume the most optimal position on the snowboard. Position that allows the most control over the … Continued